The Sustainable Procurement Pledge (SPP) is registered as a gGmbH, a non-profit company with limited liability, in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Sustainable Procurement Pledge gGmbH
Kittelbachstr. 61
40489 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tax number: 105/5891/3141
Date of registration: 7 September 2021
Register number: HRB 94797 – District Court Düsseldorf
The organization of the company consists of the shareholder assembly consisting of the shareholders and the management.
Bertrand Marie Eric Jean-Francois Conqueret, Co-founder
Thomas Udesen, Co-founder
Mélissa La Roque de Roquebrune, Executive Director
Thomas Udesen, Executive Director
The Sustainable Procurement Pledge is supported by voluntary contributions.
Contribute now and empower us to embed sustainable procurement practices in all supply chains across the world by 2030!
Bank transfer
Bank: Sparkasse Leverkusen | IBAN: DE84375514400100165398 | BIC: WELADEDLLEV
Reference: Please add an email address to receive a receipt for your contribution.
We do not accept anonymous contributions. Receipts will be sent for all contributions over 300 EUR.
Do you have questions, feedback, ideas, or complaints? We want to hear and learn!
Send us a message at
SPP is registered as a gGmbH, a non-profit company with limited liability.
Sustainable Procurement Pledge gGmbH
Kittelbachstr. 61
40489 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tax number: 105/5891/3141