
SPP Canada | Modern Slavery and Delivering Value Across Supply Chains

During this session we have 2 fantastic presenters, covering the following: Namrita Lamba is a sustainable consultant for Reeve Consulting and will provide an introduction on Modern Slavery, including. An understanding of categories with a high risk for modern slavery / human rights issues Overview of Bill S-211 (Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child […]

SPP Canada | Deploying a Sustainable Programme and Sustainable Buildings (scope 1, 2 &3)

***US/Canada Eastern Time 3-4pm - Please Register using this link:https://t.ly/vc6v1*** An excellent session planned for the third SPP Canada Event. Annick Champoux - ESG Procurement Program Advisor CBC / Radio-Canada Will be covering how to develop a sustainable procurement initiative that will green and diversify its operations and supply chain in an efficient and strategic […]

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