SPP Chapters provide safe spaces for discussions and give perspectives on global and regional topics, trends, and developments. Additionally, they dive into specific challenges, look to fill common knowledge gaps regarding sustainable procurement and provide thought provoking solutions. They directly help amplify SPP’s mission by:
SPP Chapters are regional, topic and industry-specific groups that welcome SPP Ambassadors, and the wider community, to events and activities that provide knowledge, case studies, and resources for learning and development.
Would you enjoy taking a more active role by setting up a new chapter or supporting an existing one?
To get going, please first complete these three simple steps:
Learn about The Pledge
Join SPP by signing the Pledge
Applications are send using an electronic form available below.
SPP Champions Program has been bringing together leaders and their teams from some of the world’s biggest organizations to accelerate change. The Program has two engagement streams: the League of Champions, comprising organizations’ CPOs and Vice Presidents. Secondly, the Transformation Panel, which unites professionals in our Champions’ organizations tasked with embedding sustainability.
SPP’s League of Champions supports procurement leadership and their organisations to better engage and capability-build their procurement function on sustainability. We do this together with our Champions, and our broader SPP community through collaboration with peers and access to consistent, best-practice knowledge, tools, and inspiration.
SPP is registered as a gGmbH, a non-profit company with limited liability.
Sustainable Procurement Pledge gGmbH
Kittelbachstr. 61
40489 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tax number: 105/5891/3141
and carbon-neutral webhosting by Lupa Digital Design.
By personally committing yourself to the statements below, you pledge to foster a common understanding of responsible, inclusive and cooperative Procurement behavior while including them in your day-to-day business conduct.
The world is facing tremendous environmental and social challenges.
We in Procurement have a critical role to contribute to the solutions, to steer and to develop responsible supply chains. I pledge to do my best to stop exploitation of nature and human beings, environmental pollution, rising inequality and injustice. I will act against modern slavery, human trafficking, child labor, corruption and bribery while upholding business ethics and law-abiding behavior.
I am convinced that all of us involved in Procurement can make a difference by joining forces to accelerate the creation of a just and low-carbon emissions world by contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
I will team up with my Procurement colleagues, my Procurement networks, academics, NGOs and government bodies to exchange on and advance responsible business behavior.
I commit myself to lead by example and include sustainability as part of my overall mindful vision and values.
I will integrate sustainability aspects into my every-day Procurement decision-making criteria and work with my colleagues and suppliers to drive lasting improvements.
I will actively share my sustainability knowledge while keeping confidentiality obligations and antitrust rules in mind and always collaborate with all involved stakeholders on our shared mission. I will remain open to the advice and proposals of my peers.
I pledge to raise concerns in case of inappropriate business behavior or when I observe unsustainable practices. I fully respect the principles of the UN Global Compact and other international standards and agreements. I am determined to ensure that Procurement leaves the legacy of protecting a sustainable planet for us and future generations.